Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dan, Dan The Surgery Man Update #2

Wednesday Night May 30th

Hello from Valley Medical Center!

Sorry if I repeat information--PLEASE share this blog address.

I am sitting next to Dan post surgery and he has finally been moved to the Neurological Wing and out of ICU. The surgery to correct his aneurysm was around six hours long and difficult but successful. His doctor says he has a "very tight brain". It was difficult to get to the aneurysm to clip it. (We always knew Dan's brain was special--packed full of facts and funny information.) He spent 24 hours in the Intensive Care Unit and is now in a regular hospital room. He is still in a great deal of pain and has not been able to sit up or eat anything yet. But the Neuro-Surgeon is pleased with his progress and says "No worries, one step at a time."

Through it all, Dan has kept his sense of humor. He has difficulty talking clearly and still has very thick white bandages wrapped all around his head so he looks like he is wearing a white beanie. The nurse commented that she thought he looked pretty good and Dan's response was "Yeah, for a Q-tip." His brother Bob, who is a pediatrician from Colorado, is here until Friday and has been a tremendous source of help and information. When we don't understand something or are not sure what questions to ask, he has been very handy to have around. Before the surgery, Dan and I decided to always have someone here as an advocate and Bob took the night shift last night. He went home to sleep all day and went to see the third Pirates movie with Dannika and Jesse our kids. I will stay until midnight tonight and come back in the morning to relieve Bob again for the "Day Shift". Dan's sister Nancy was here this morning and then back here after work tonight. She and Bob went and picked up pizza for the crew which we ate while Dan dozed on oblivious.

We finished our pizza and Dan woke up a little. His evening nurse named "Jing" came in and gave him more of his pain medication. As she left she said "Call me if you need anything." To which Dan quietly replied: "We'll give you a "JINGLE". Jess and Dannika and I all burst out laughing. The nursing staff think we are nuts.

Jess will be back at work tomorrow, but Dannika and Bob and I will be around during the day.
I think tomorrow will be a bit tough for Dan. They have been pretty easy on him so far, but tomorrow I think they will be pushing him to sit up and try to eat. His doctor comes in after lunch, so the next update will be tomorrow afternoon. I am happy now to be in a room where I can use my cell phone and my laptop again.

Thanks for all of you thoughts and prayers. Dan is improving SLOWLY and is definitely not up for visitors yet. He still falls asleep mid-sentence from the meds. He is such a party animal!

Take care and again our thanks!

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