Feel free to post comments by clicking on the link at the end of this blog. When Dan is awake I will read them to him!
Hello to all friends and family. Here is the latest on Dan.
Sorry--he is not up for visitors yet! We will let you know when he is.
Sitting here in the hospital without much else to do, I decided to create a "BLOG" where I can post updates and later pictures of Dan's progress and his "Adventures in Brain Surgery".
Dannika is bringing in her camera this afternoon and we will take some pictures to post this evening. Right now I am sitting next to Dan's hospital bed and he is sleeping. Again.
(No complaints from me about this since I know that if he can sleep, that means he is comfortable.
He is using less pain medication but is still VERY woozy and not eating. His doctor was here just a while ago and decided that since he has not been up and around yet, today would be a good day for him to do a follow-up angiogram. They will take him down and do the procedure at 3pm today. It means going up into the large artery in his groin all the way up to his aneurysm site. They will inject dye and take lots of pictures to inspect the area around the site to be sure it is completely sealed off. His doctor wisely decided get this done now since it means lying flat for 6 hours after it is all over. (Since that is all he can do right now anyway.)
They did come in and have him sit on the edge of his bed this morning briefly. He was able
to tolerate it for a short time. They want him to eat and sit up again, but now that he is going to have the angiogram, he is not allowed to eat anyway.
Here is another picture--Dan and his big sister Nancy having fun with goofy "hats". Maybe we will have to get him some to cover up his bandages!

I think I saw this on Oprah. Feigning drain bamage, her guest checked into a tony Beverly Hills Hospital where she was kept sedated until she had achieved her desired weight loss.
It is good to hear that my old friend has retained his sense of humor, but the big question remains - will he be able to play the piano?
It goes without saying that I feel honored and privileged to be the first to post to the DDTSM blog, and I hope there is some sort of award or prize for doing so.
We are praying for his swift recovery.
P.S. I made Dan a get-well card and mailed it today. It's quite clever, so make sure he is loaded up with pain meds before letting him read it.
Wow Kathy...this is great! What a great use of your time and we sure do love the updates.
It is amazing that he is still using his whimsical humor to get through the pain....whatta guy!
While we miss Capt. ARrrrrr here at Sunrise, we are so glad that he seems to be progressing with his recovery so well. I love the bunny ears story :)
Just pass on along how much we miss him, that he is definitely in my prayers (as he has been since we first heard about it) and to make sure he gets enough rest so that he can come back stronger than ever. However, we certainly don't want him to milk it upon his return....you know how guys are when they have a cold...I can only imagine :)
Hi ~ Loved seeing the pictures of "Dan the Q-tip Man". Sorry the pain is still so bad...but it will surely get better soon! Meanwhile, remind him that not eating for a week will mean good news the next time he goes to "Food Church"!!
Enjoying the blog, Kathy ~ great way for us all to keep in touch!
~ Lynn
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