Dan has finally turned a corner this evening!
Visitors are Welcome!
He got his "bandage beanie" removed and the best news from the doctor is that the results of the angiogram are in...the aneurysm is NO MORE! It is gone. Dan had a CAT scan this morning and physical therapy this afternoon. He was not hungry and able to eat most of the day and slept in between pain pills. At one point when Danna was here the nurse ordered him some ice cream. They brought it in and it sounded pretty good so I started helping him eat some. Apparently I was too slow cause on the third bite I was talking to Danna and holding the spoon of ice cream in front of his face. He grabbed my hand and shoved the ice cream in his mouth. I thought he was going to snap the plastic spoon off! He only ate about a total of 5 bites but enjoyed every one.
Before they took him down for his CAT scan the nurse came in to talk to him about what "activity order" the doctor had left for Dan. This led into a discussion of Weight Watchers (who award 'food' points for activity. Dan declared that some activities should be worth Weight Watcher points even in the hospital. He reminded them that at 5:30am he actually got up for the first time and used the commode. He smugly stated that should be worth 'double points'.
Then this afternoon he walked with a walker one hundred and forty-one feet! His physical therapist today was named "Claude". He got Dan sitting up on the bed and then using a walker had him take a little tour out of the room around the waiting area down the hall. He allowed him to sit down to rest in the middle. Then he got out a long rolling ruler with a wheel on it. Dan looked a little alarmed at first and asked if it was a cattle prod to make sure he finished his walk! Claude told him that he could walk back to his room and get into bed and you should have seen Dan go. He was like the horse who smelled the barn. That wore him out and he slept for two hours.
He decided he wanted pancakes, bacon, coffee and OJ for dinner. I was delighted that I had talked him into eating so I happily ordered them. When they arrived I said "Your food is here!" He rolled over and looked at me and said "I'm sleeping now." But fortunately, he woke up a bit later and actually was able to eat!
He and Jesse watched the Mariners tonight.
Great to hear the surgery was a success! You are so lucky that you had the accident in the bus. A blessing in disguise!
Brittany and I have both been wondering how everything is going, thanks Kathy for setting up this blog.
It's easy to see from the pictures that Dan is back!!! Great to see that grin, big guy. We knew you were in there somewhere because your wit would leak out from time to time. Hope you enjoyed the game with Jesse, we were there in person to watch every agonizing inning, all 28 hits, 17 runs, 9 pitchers, stolen game-winning home run... everything. But... it was a beautiful evening. We hope and pray that you will continue to improve and be home soon.
Dan, in the spirit of good health and full recovery, I promise to match you by walking two feet for every foot you walk until you are out of the hospital.
Go Dan, Dan, Go!
Hi ~ Wow! Glad to see the Q-Tip Head gone, the smiling thumbs up, and to know Dan's burning off some points with his walker AND that the aneurysm is a goner!! Hooray!!
~ Lynn
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