Monday, June 4, 2007

Dan, Dan The Surgery Man Update #7


"Dan, Dan The Surgery Man" goes home tomorrow!
(Tuesday June 5th)

Dr. Balousek saw Dan this morning and said he will remove the staples tomorrow. I knew he was doing much better when he kept borrowing my computer to check his email and even sent some to the staff at Sunrise.

Dan was visited by both the Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist and has been pronounced good to go home. He will not be 100% for awhile and we will be making some adjustments at home to help his transition and healing process, getting around for himself. Below are some pictures of him doing some physical therapy and clowning around with Dannika.

Dan and his physical therapist doing the "Electric Slide".

Doin' the Stairs.

Hangin' with Danna.


OG said...

Great news! Unfortunately I think I spotted a cavity in the shot where Dan's mouth is open.

You still haven't told us whether he will be able to play the piano!

Barbara Hayes said...

Kathy, Wow what an amazing recovery! I had no idea until now. Thanks for sharing! With his wits, he will be ready for a marathon!
Barbara Hayes