Sunday Day Five:

Dan's fifth grade class made him a "Mr. Sluggo" get well slug which is hanging over his bed watching over him as he sleeps.
Dan spent a bit of a short night (me too), but the good news is that he is now TUBE-LESS! No IV and no catheter! After a breakfast of bacon and French toast, He got up close and personal with "Mary" his nurse assistant and was able to take his first shower. Having such a short night, becoming tube-less and then a shower pretty well wiped him out so after a visit with Nancy, his sister we both took a nap and slept through the shift change.

We were sleeping so soundly that the nursing staff did not even wake us up. They have these nice big recliners that fold flat into a comfy sleeping couch. I have been able to sleep next to Dan's bed each night.
Jesse showed up for a visit and Dan's door was closed, so the poor boy waited in the waiting room for 45 minutes until we woke up. Jess stayed through dinner and they watched some more baseball.
Dr. Balousek has been out this weekend and he will see Dan again tomorrow. I am hoping he will let us know how much longer Dan has to stay in the hospital. Last time we saw him on Friday, he said "maybe Dan could go home on Tuesday. He is able to walk short distances with the walker but not ready to run any races yet. He still has some pretty bad headaches but he says; "After all, I did just have brain surgery."

It is very nice to hear him laugh occasionally and see his smiling face! Thanks to all of you for your emails, blog comments, good thoughts, prayers and support.
Our church had their big Spring Praise concert and both Dan and I missed participating.
Next blog tomorrow--Day #6 at Valley Medical Center.